Digital Materials on the history of Topaz and Topaz Internees
- Central Utah Final Accountability Report. Utah State University Digital History Collections. A full listing of 11,212 Topaz internees who were originally in Topaz or who were transferred into Topaz. The document includes date of birth, address prior to “evacuation,” transfer and discharge destinations.(
- Day of Remembrance (EO 9066). FOTM Presentation. California Historical Society/Friends of the Topaz Museum, 2016. (
- National Park Services Releases Report on Wakasa Monument. Press Release. Topaz Museum, 2/4/2022. (
- Our Daily Diary. Utah Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Miss Lillian “Anne” Yamauchi’s Third Grade Class at Mountain View Elementary School in Block 8 kept a diary, March 8 — August 12, 1943. (
- Ramblings ’43, Ramblings ’44 and Ramblings ’45. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The Topaz High School yearbooks for
1943 (,
1944 (, and
1945 ( - Topaz Baby List. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The list of babies born in Topaz. (
- Topaz Co-op News. Densho Digital Resources. The Topaz Co-op Newsletter 5/20 — 9/16/1943. (
- Topaz Times. Utah Digital Newspapers. The official newspaper of Topaz from 9/17/1942 — 8/31/1945.(
- Topazette and Ram-bler. Ronald “Tubby” Yoshida Collection at California State University Dominguez Hills Gerth Archives and Special Collections.
The Topaz High School student newspaper: Topazette: 2/1 — 4/26/1943 (;
Ram-bler: 12/24/1943 — 5/11/1945 ( - Trek and All Aboard. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The literary magazine of Topaz, 4 issues:
Trek: December 1942 (;
February 1943 (;June 1943 (
All Aboard: Spring 1944 ( - Welcome to Topaz. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The guidebook to the Central Utah Relocation Project in Topaz, Utah. September 1943. (
- Arrington, Leonard J. The Price of Prejudice: The Japanese-American Relocation Center in Utah during World War II. Utah State University Digital History Collections, 1962. Prof. Arrington’s 1962 Honor Lecture at Utah State University formed the basis for “The Price of Prejudice…” It was one of the first studies written about Topaz.
- Beckwith, Jane, Scotti Hill and Christian Heimburger. Documenting the Topaz Experience. 2015 Utah State History Conference “Deep Roots, Many Voices: Exploring Utah’s Multicultural Past,” Utah Historical Society, 2015. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Topaz. (
- Gracheff, Scott. Dave Tatsuno: Movies and Memories. KTEH/KQED, 2006. (
- National Park Services. Central Utah Relocation Center (Topaz) Site. National Historic Landmark (
- Sasaki, Ruth (editor and curator). Topaz Stories. Topaz Stories Project of the Friends of the Topaz Museum. Topaz stories by Topaz survivors and their descendants. (
- Sekerak, Eleanor. Topaz Photos. Eleanor Gerard Sekerak Photo Collection at the University of Utah Digital Library. Miss Gerard was a teacher at the Topaz High School. (
- Tatsuno, Dave. Topaz Memories 1942 — 1945. Dave Tatsuno Collection at the Japanese American National Museum eMuseum. Dave Tatsuno’s 8 mm color film of Topaz 1942 — 1945. (–%2019421945)
- Uchida, Yoshiko. Topaz Diary. Yoshiko Uchida Papers at the University of California Berkeley Bancroft Library, 1943. Yoshiko Uchida’s Topaz diary January — June 1943. (
- _____________. Topaz: City of Dust. Yoshiko Uchida Papers at the University of California Berkeley Bancroft Library, 1980. Yoshiko Uchida’s Topaz story. (
Coming soon:
- Tanforan and Santa Anita Births
- Marriage Records from Topaz
- Death Records from Topaz
Digital Media on the history of Topaz and Topaz Internees
- Adachi, Jeff. You Don’t Know Jack—The Jack Soo Story. AAMM Productions, 2011. Goro Suzuki AKA Jack Soo biography. DVD
- Boch, Akira. Masters of Modern Design: Kay Sekimachi. JANM Watase Media Arts Center/KCET ARTBOUND Series, 2019. DVD.
- Clay, Emery III, Stephen Holsapple and Satsuki Ina. From a Silk Cocoon. California Civil Liberties Public Education Program/CAAM, 2006. DVD.
- Fournier, Eric Paul. Of Civil Wrongs and Rights: The Fred Korematsu Story. CAAM, 2000. DVD.
- Fukami, Dianne. Chrysanthemums and Salt. KCSM-TV/San Mateo Community College District, 1994. VHS video.
- ____________ . Tanforan: Race Track to Assembly Center. KCSM-TV, 1994. VHS video.
- Kokka, Ken. Blossoms & Thorns: A Community Uprooted. Contra Costa JACL, 2012. DVD.
- Muramoto-Wong, Shirley Kazuyo. Hidden Legacy: Japanese Traditional Performing Arts in the World War II Internment Camps. Murasaki Productions, LLC, 2014. DVD.
- Nakano, Desmond. American Pastime. Warner Home Video, 2007. DVD. [Fictional content]
- Okazaki, Steve. Unfinished Business: The Japanese American Internment Cases. Farallon Films/New Video, 2005. DVD.
- Verdoia, Ken. Topaz. University of Utah/KUED PBS, 1988. DVD.
Digital Materials on the Nine Internment Camps
Amache (National Historic Site; aka Granada)
- Amache Preservation Society/Amache Museum. Amache Museum. (
- National Park Service. Amache National Historic Site. (
- National Park Service. Granada Relocation Center CO. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Amache (Granada). (
Gila River
- The Historical Marker Database. Gila River Internment Center, Rivers, AZ. (
- Outdoor Project. Gila River War Relocation Center. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Gila River. (
Heart Mountain (National Historic Landmark)
- Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation. Heart Mountain: WWII Japanese American Confinement Site. (
- National Park Service. Heart Mountain Relocation Center. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Heart Mountain. (
- Arkansas State University. World War II Japanese American Internment Museum and the Jerome-Rohwer Interpretive Museum and Visitor Center. (
- Densho Encyclopediia. Jerome. (
Manzanar (National Historic Site)
- Manzanar Committee. (
- National Park Service. Manzanar National Historic Site CA. (
- National Park Service. Manzanar National Historic Site. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Manzanar. (
Minidoka (National Historic Site)
- Friends of Minidoka. Minidoka National Historic Site. (
- National Park Service. Minidoka National Historic Site ID. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Minidoka. (
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Museum and Gift Shop. Poston Community Alliance exhibit in CRIT Museum. (
- Poston Community Alliance. Poston Preservation. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Poston. (
Rohwer (National Historic Landmark: Rohwer Relocation Center Memorial Cemetery)
- Arkansas State University. Rohwer Japanese American Relocation Center. (
- National Park Service. Rohwer Relocation Center Memorial Cemetery. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Rohwer. (
(see also “World War II Japanese American Internment Museum” under Jerome.)
Tule Lake (National Monument)
- National Park Service. Tule Lake. (
- National Park Service. Tule Lake National Monument CA. (
- Tule Lake Committee. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Tule Lake. (
Digital Materials on the Japanese American Experience During World War II
- Aiello, Jeff. Silent Sacrifice: Stories of Japanese-American Incarceration in Central California and Beyond. Valley PBS, 2018. (
- ________. Unbroken Honor. Valley PBS, 2023. (
- Banyard, Rory. Minidoka: An American Concentration Camp. Harpers Ferry Center National Park Service, 2019. (
- Bocchieri, Alex. Go For Broke: An Origin Story. The 442nd RCT Foundation, 2017. (
- A Challenge to Democracy. War Relocation Authority, 1944. (Govt. propaganda) (
- Dykes, Melissa. The Road to Manzanar: The Story of an American Concentration Camp. Truthstream Media, 2022. (
- Embrey, Sue Kunitomi and Others (Advisors). Remembering Manzanar: A Documentary. Harpers Ferry Center National Park Service, 2000. (
- Fiamenhalf, Fred. Guilty by Reason of Race. NBC, 1972. (
- Guerrier-Pierre, Ruth. Pearl Harbor & Japanese American Internment: Books for Children and Teens. New York Public Library, 2023. (
- Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II (ABC News Nightline). ABC, 1981. (
- Irons, Peter. The Story of Japanese-American Internment During World War II (webinar). Columbia County Libraries Association, 2023. (
- Japanese Relocation. War Relocation Authority, 1943. (Govt. propaganda) (
- Kawamoto, Ryan. The Untold Story: Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii. The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, 2012. (
- The Nisei: The Pride and the Shame (Twentieth Century). CBS, 1965. (
- Ono, David and Jeff MacIntyre (producers). Japanese American Heroes—World War II (Witness: American Heroes). ABC TV/Content Media Group, 2011. (
- O’Rourke, Katie. Armed with Language. Twin Cities PBS, 2021. (
- Reagan Library. President Reagan’s Remarks at the Japanese-American Internment Compensation Bill Signing on August 10, 1988. (
Digital Media on the Japanese American Experience During World War II
- Aderer, Konrad. Resistance at Tule Lake. Labheart Media and Life or Liberty, 2018. DVD.
- Boch, Akira. Masters of Modern Design: The Art of the Japanese American Experience. JANM Watase Media Arts Center/KCET ARTBOUND Series, 2019. DVD.
- Donahue, Raechel. Heart Mountain: An All American Town. Big Stagecoach Productions, 2011. DVD.
- Doyle, Se ‘Merry. Jimmy Murakami: Non Alien. PopTwist/Monster/Loopline, 2017. DVD.
- Forsberg, Rolf. Going For Broke. New Dimension Media, 2006. DVD.
- Fukami, Dianne. Starting Over: Japanese Americans After the War. KCSM Television New Americans Series, 1996. VHS video.
- Holsapple, Stephen. Children of the Camps: The Documentary. Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), 1999. DVD.
- Inada, Lawson Fusao (Actor). What It Means to Be Free—A Video About Poetry & Japanese American Internment. TTTD Productions, 2001. DVD.
- Katayanagi, Claudia. A Bitter Legacy. Gravitas Ventures, 2016. DVD; Blu-ray.
- Legacy of the Nisei: Stories of Japanese American Internment and World War II Veterans. San Leandro (CA) Public Library, 2012. DVD.
- Legacy of the Nisei Veterans: WWII Stories of the 100th/442nd and Military Intelligence Service. San Leandro (CA) Public Library, 2011. DVD.
- MacIntyre, Jeff. Witness: The Legacy of Heart Mountain. Content Media Group/KABC TV, 2014. DVD.
- Nishikawa, Lane. Only the Brave. Mission From Buddha Productions, LLC, 2007. DVD.
- _____________. Our Lost Years. West River Productions, 2019. DVD.
- Ochiai, Ken. Half Kenneth. American Film Institute, 2008. DVD.
- Okazaki, Steven. Days of Waiting. Farallon Films/CAAM/NAATA, 1991. DVD.
- Omori, Emiko. Rabbit in the Moon: A Documentary/Memoir About the World War II Japanese American Incarceration Camps. Wabi-Sabi, 1999. DVD.
- Parker, Allen. Come See the Paradise. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC, 2006. DVD; Blu-ray. [Fictional content]
- Pirosh, Robert. Go For Broke. MGM, 1951. Public domain film available on The Film Detective Restored Classics (DVD) and with added footage (DVD).
- Reep, Rob. Singled Out: Jerome and Rohwer. Fossil HD/Raptorproductions, 2012. DVD.
- Tashima, Chris. Day of Independence—A Short Film on the Japanese American Internment. Cedar Grove Productions/Visual Communications, 2003. VHS video.
- Williams, Sue. Time of Fear. PBS Home Video, 2005. DVD.
- Yamamoto, Sharon. One Fighting Irishman: Wayne M. Collins and the Tule Lake Segregation Center. JANM Watase Media Arts Center, 2024. DVD.

Photo: Brian Buroker
Help Support Our Museum
Digital Materials on the history of Topaz and Topaz Internees
- Central Utah Final Accountability Report. Utah State University Digital History Collections. A full listing of 11,212 Topaz internees who were originally in Topaz or who were transferred into Topaz. The document includes date of birth, address prior to “evacuation,” transfer and discharge destinations.(
- Day of Remembrance (EO 9066). FOTM Presentation. California Historical Society/Friends of the Topaz Museum, 2016. (
- National Park Services Releases Report on Wakasa Monument. Press Release. Topaz Museum, 2/4/2022. (
- Our Daily Diary. Utah Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Miss Lillian “Anne” Yamauchi’s Third Grade Class at Mountain View Elementary School in Block 8 kept a diary, March 8 — August 12, 1943. (
- Ramblings ’43, Ramblings ’44 and Ramblings ’45. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The Topaz High School yearbooks for
1943 (,
1944 (, and
1945 ( - Topaz Baby List. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The list of babies born in Topaz. (
- Topaz Co-op News. Densho Digital Resources. The Topaz Co-op Newsletter 5/20 — 9/16/1943. (
- Topaz Times. Utah Digital Newspapers. The official newspaper of Topaz from 9/17/1942 — 8/31/1945.(
- Topazette and Ram-bler. Ronald “Tubby” Yoshida Collection at California State University Dominguez Hills Gerth Archives and Special Collections.
The Topaz High School student newspaper: Topazette: 2/1 — 4/26/1943 (;
Ram-bler: 12/24/1943 — 5/11/1945 ( - Trek and All Aboard. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The literary magazine of Topaz, 4 issues:
Trek: December 1942 (;
February 1943 (;June 1943 (
All Aboard: Spring 1944 ( - Welcome to Topaz. Utah State University Digital History Collections. The guidebook to the Central Utah Relocation Project in Topaz, Utah. September 1943. (
- Arrington, Leonard J. The Price of Prejudice: The Japanese-American Relocation Center in Utah during World War II. Utah State University Digital History Collections, 1962. Prof. Arrington’s 1962 Honor Lecture at Utah State University formed the basis for “The Price of Prejudice…” It was one of the first studies written about Topaz.
- Beckwith, Jane, Scotti Hill and Christian Heimburger. Documenting the Topaz Experience. 2015 Utah State History Conference “Deep Roots, Many Voices: Exploring Utah’s Multicultural Past,” Utah Historical Society, 2015. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Topaz. (
- Gracheff, Scott. Dave Tatsuno: Movies and Memories. KTEH/KQED, 2006. (
- National Park Services. Central Utah Relocation Center (Topaz) Site. National Historic Landmark (
- Sasaki, Ruth (editor and curator). Topaz Stories. Topaz Stories Project of the Friends of the Topaz Museum. Topaz stories by Topaz survivors and their descendants. (
- Sekerak, Eleanor. Topaz Photos. Eleanor Gerard Sekerak Photo Collection at the University of Utah Digital Library. Miss Gerard was a teacher at the Topaz High School. (
- Tatsuno, Dave. Topaz Memories 1942 — 1945. Dave Tatsuno Collection at the Japanese American National Museum eMuseum. Dave Tatsuno’s 8 mm color film of Topaz 1942 — 1945. (–%2019421945)
- Uchida, Yoshiko. Topaz Diary. Yoshiko Uchida Papers at the University of California Berkeley Bancroft Library, 1943. Yoshiko Uchida’s Topaz diary January — June 1943. (
- _____________. Topaz: City of Dust. Yoshiko Uchida Papers at the University of California Berkeley Bancroft Library, 1980. Yoshiko Uchida’s Topaz story. (
Coming soon:
- Tanforan and Santa Anita Births
- Marriage Records from Topaz
- Death Records from Topaz
Digital Media on the history of Topaz and Topaz Internees
- Adachi, Jeff. You Don’t Know Jack—The Jack Soo Story. AAMM Productions, 2011. Goro Suzuki AKA Jack Soo biography. DVD
- Boch, Akira. Masters of Modern Design: Kay Sekimachi. JANM Watase Media Arts Center/KCET ARTBOUND Series, 2019. DVD.
- Clay, Emery III, Stephen Holsapple and Satsuki Ina. From a Silk Cocoon. California Civil Liberties Public Education Program/CAAM, 2006. DVD.
- Fournier, Eric Paul. Of Civil Wrongs and Rights: The Fred Korematsu Story. CAAM, 2000. DVD.
- Fukami, Dianne. Chrysanthemums and Salt. KCSM-TV/San Mateo Community College District, 1994. VHS video.
- ____________ . Tanforan: Race Track to Assembly Center. KCSM-TV, 1994. VHS video.
- Kokka, Ken. Blossoms & Thorns: A Community Uprooted. Contra Costa JACL, 2012. DVD.
- Muramoto-Wong, Shirley Kazuyo. Hidden Legacy: Japanese Traditional Performing Arts in the World War II Internment Camps. Murasaki Productions, LLC, 2014. DVD.
- Nakano, Desmond. American Pastime. Warner Home Video, 2007. DVD. [Fictional content]
- Okazaki, Steve. Unfinished Business: The Japanese American Internment Cases. Farallon Films/New Video, 2005. DVD.
- Verdoia, Ken. Topaz. University of Utah/KUED PBS, 1988. DVD.
Digital Materials on the Nine Internment Camps
Amache (National Historic Site; aka Granada)
- Amache Preservation Society/Amache Museum. Amache Museum. (
- National Park Service. Amache National Historic Site. (
- National Park Service. Granada Relocation Center CO. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Amache (Granada). (
Gila River
- The Historical Marker Database. Gila River Internment Center, Rivers, AZ. (
- Outdoor Project. Gila River War Relocation Center. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Gila River. (
Heart Mountain (National Historic Landmark)
- Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation. Heart Mountain: WWII Japanese American Confinement Site. (
- National Park Service. Heart Mountain Relocation Center. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Heart Mountain. (
- Arkansas State University. World War II Japanese American Internment Museum and the Jerome-Rohwer Interpretive Museum and Visitor Center. (
- Densho Encyclopediia. Jerome. (
Manzanar (National Historic Site)
- Manzanar Committee. (
- National Park Service. Manzanar National Historic Site CA. (
- National Park Service. Manzanar National Historic Site. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Manzanar. (
Minidoka (National Historic Site)
- Friends of Minidoka. Minidoka National Historic Site. (
- National Park Service. Minidoka National Historic Site ID. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Minidoka. (
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Museum and Gift Shop. Poston Community Alliance exhibit in CRIT Museum. (
- Poston Community Alliance. Poston Preservation. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Poston. (
Rohwer (National Historic Landmark: Rohwer Relocation Center Memorial Cemetery)
- Arkansas State University. Rohwer Japanese American Relocation Center. (
- National Park Service. Rohwer Relocation Center Memorial Cemetery. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Rohwer. (
(see also “World War II Japanese American Internment Museum” under Jerome.)
Tule Lake (National Monument)
- National Park Service. Tule Lake. (
- National Park Service. Tule Lake National Monument CA. (
- Tule Lake Committee. (
- Densho Encyclopedia. Tule Lake. (
Digital Materials on the Japanese American Experience During World War II
- Aiello, Jeff. Silent Sacrifice: Stories of Japanese-American Incarceration in Central California and Beyond. Valley PBS, 2018. (
- ________. Unbroken Honor. Valley PBS, 2023. (
- Banyard, Rory. Minidoka: An American Concentration Camp. Harpers Ferry Center National Park Service, 2019. (
- Bocchieri, Alex. Go For Broke: An Origin Story. The 442nd RCT Foundation, 2017. (
- A Challenge to Democracy. War Relocation Authority, 1944. (Govt. propaganda) (
- Dykes, Melissa. The Road to Manzanar: The Story of an American Concentration Camp. Truthstream Media, 2022. (
- Embrey, Sue Kunitomi and Others (Advisors). Remembering Manzanar: A Documentary. Harpers Ferry Center National Park Service, 2000. (
- Fiamenhalf, Fred. Guilty by Reason of Race. NBC, 1972. (
- Guerrier-Pierre, Ruth. Pearl Harbor & Japanese American Internment: Books for Children and Teens. New York Public Library, 2023. (
- Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II (ABC News Nightline). ABC, 1981. (
- Irons, Peter. The Story of Japanese-American Internment During World War II (webinar). Columbia County Libraries Association, 2023. (
- Japanese Relocation. War Relocation Authority, 1943. (Govt. propaganda) (
- Kawamoto, Ryan. The Untold Story: Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii. The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, 2012. (
- The Nisei: The Pride and the Shame (Twentieth Century). CBS, 1965. (
- Ono, David and Jeff MacIntyre (producers). Japanese American Heroes—World War II (Witness: American Heroes). ABC TV/Content Media Group, 2011. (
- O’Rourke, Katie. Armed with Language. Twin Cities PBS, 2021. (
- Reagan Library. President Reagan’s Remarks at the Japanese-American Internment Compensation Bill Signing on August 10, 1988. (
Digital Media on the Japanese American Experience During World War II
- Aderer, Konrad. Resistance at Tule Lake. Labheart Media and Life or Liberty, 2018. DVD.
- Boch, Akira. Masters of Modern Design: The Art of the Japanese American Experience. JANM Watase Media Arts Center/KCET ARTBOUND Series, 2019. DVD.
- Donahue, Raechel. Heart Mountain: An All American Town. Big Stagecoach Productions, 2011. DVD.
- Doyle, Se ‘Merry. Jimmy Murakami: Non Alien. PopTwist/Monster/Loopline, 2017. DVD.
- Forsberg, Rolf. Going For Broke. New Dimension Media, 2006. DVD.
- Fukami, Dianne. Starting Over: Japanese Americans After the War. KCSM Television New Americans Series, 1996. VHS video.
- Holsapple, Stephen. Children of the Camps: The Documentary. Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), 1999. DVD.
- Inada, Lawson Fusao (Actor). What It Means to Be Free—A Video About Poetry & Japanese American Internment. TTTD Productions, 2001. DVD.
- Katayanagi, Claudia. A Bitter Legacy. Gravitas Ventures, 2016. DVD; Blu-ray.
- Legacy of the Nisei: Stories of Japanese American Internment and World War II Veterans. San Leandro (CA) Public Library, 2012. DVD.
- Legacy of the Nisei Veterans: WWII Stories of the 100th/442nd and Military Intelligence Service. San Leandro (CA) Public Library, 2011. DVD.
- MacIntyre, Jeff. Witness: The Legacy of Heart Mountain. Content Media Group/KABC TV, 2014. DVD.
- Nishikawa, Lane. Only the Brave. Mission From Buddha Productions, LLC, 2007. DVD.
- _____________. Our Lost Years. West River Productions, 2019. DVD.
- Ochiai, Ken. Half Kenneth. American Film Institute, 2008. DVD.
- Okazaki, Steven. Days of Waiting. Farallon Films/CAAM/NAATA, 1991. DVD.
- Omori, Emiko. Rabbit in the Moon: A Documentary/Memoir About the World War II Japanese American Incarceration Camps. Wabi-Sabi, 1999. DVD.
- Parker, Allen. Come See the Paradise. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC, 2006. DVD; Blu-ray. [Fictional content]
- Pirosh, Robert. Go For Broke. MGM, 1951. Public domain film available on The Film Detective Restored Classics (DVD) and with added footage (DVD).
- Reep, Rob. Singled Out: Jerome and Rohwer. Fossil HD/Raptorproductions, 2012. DVD.
- Tashima, Chris. Day of Independence—A Short Film on the Japanese American Internment. Cedar Grove Productions/Visual Communications, 2003. VHS video.
- Williams, Sue. Time of Fear. PBS Home Video, 2005. DVD.
- Yamamoto, Sharon. One Fighting Irishman: Wayne M. Collins and the Tule Lake Segregation Center. JANM Watase Media Arts Center, 2024. DVD.

Photo: Brian Buroker